Stayed at Cottage Akabeko with Dog

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(Machine translation by DeepL + adjustments by Gyegyopon, Translated article written for Japan without major changes, Sorry some Japanese language is still there)

Hello, this is Gyegeopon.

In August 2023, I stayed at Nature Cottage Akabeko in Fukushima Prefecture with my family dog.

This is a cottage where you can stay with your pets. We had a very enjoyable stay with our dog in the living room. There are also two dog runs that you can freely use. There seemed to be many other people staying here with their dogs and many people were taking walks with their dogs.

I hope this article will be helpful to those traveling with dogs and other animals.

Main text

Located near Lake Hibara and Goshikinuma

Nature Cottage Akabeko” is a pet-friendly cottage located in Kitashiobara-mura, Yama-gun, Fukushima Prefecture. Located in a quiet forest, we could hear the occasional song of a Japanese bush warbler. Lake Hibara and Goshikinuma are nearby.

There are more than 30 cottages of various layouts in the large site.
This time, we stayed in a 2DK duplex with 4 people and a dog.

Cottage Photo
Photo1: The cottage where we stayed. It is divided into two parts in the middle, and we stayed in the right half

This type of cottage has a dining room and kitchen, and one Japanese-style room and one Western-style room (with two beds). It also has a large bath and toilet. The Japanese-style room is just right for about two people to sleep, and it would be tight for three.

You can stay with your canine companion

Dogs are allowed in the cottages. They do not need to be leashed inside the building. (However, we were told not to enter the Japanese-style room, the bedrooms (Western-style rooms), or the bathrooms.

My dog seemed to enjoy being with everyone in the living room (DK) and eating together.

Photo of three people around a table with breakfast bread and salad; one is holding a white dog
Photo2: We had breakfast with our dog in the living room (of course the dog did not eat anything for the humans)

This type of cottage also had a large terrace, so we could play with the dog there as well.

Photo of a white dog looking up at the person applying the brush
Photo3: A dog sitting on the terrace in the fresh morning air being brushed

The room was equipped with a adhesive tape roll and a trash can (large can). If you go to the front desk, you can also get a sheet for your pet.
You will have to provide other things you need for your dog by yourself.

The price is 2,000 yen per pet per night, from small animals to very large dogs.

Humans are also comfortable

Air conditioning and heating are provided. Of course, you can also use the power supply.
There is a refrigerator, microwave, gas stove, hot water pot, TV, dishes, and dish detergent.
A hair dryer, bath towels, and face towels are provided in the bathroom. Shampoo, conditioner, and body soap are provided in the bathroom.
A toothpaste set, yukata (Japanese bathrobe), and bath salts can be freely brought from the amenity corner next to the front desk 24 hours a day.
Wi-Fi was also provided.

As for meals, if you make a reservation in advance, you can have ingregients for a hot pot or barbecue prepared.
They can also ask for a “creative dinner”, limited to one group per day.

However, we bought ingredients at a supermarket and cooked our own meals to save money and have more fun.

Picture of a person putting vegetables on bread on a cutting board
Photo4: Preparing breakfast in the kitchen. You can see a refrigerator and a microwave oven in the back. Also, not visible in the photo, but to the right is the dining room, with the gas stove in the foreground

There is a 7-Eleven about 1 km from the cottage, but for a supermarket you need to go to York-Benimaru in Inawashiro, which is more than 10 km away.

Picture of a white dog looking at an automatic door
Photo5: My dog is a good boy waiting at the entrance/exit of York-Benimaru to finish our shopping

There is a building called “Relax Space” on the premises, which has a coin-operated laundry, vending machines for alcohol and snacks, and comic books.

Photo of the Relax Space building
Photo6: the Relax Space

I did not expect to find a laundromat1, so I was happy to use it.

We were told that we could take manga books out to read. There was also a basket in the cottage for taking manga books out. Yes, it does get hot inside when the dryer is running, so it would be best not to spend long periods of time reading manga here in the summer.

Take a walk on the grounds or exercise in the dog runs

The grounds are large, so you can walk quite a bit just going around the grounds.

Photo of back view of a white dag walking along a paved path
Photo7: A dog taking a walk around the grounds

And there are two dog runs for the exclusive use of guests (dogs). One is located right next to the entrance, and the other is on the left side, further in from the entrance.

Photo of the plaza surrounded by green netting in front of the forest
Photo8: Dog run near the entrance
Human and dog sitting on swing
Photo9: A dog on a swing in the dog run at the back of the property

Both dog runs are about 900 square meters2 in size.
They are covered with artificial grass, which seems to be gentle on canine paws. In addition, the dog run near the entrance is close to the lights of the front building, which are on 24 hours a day, and the dog run at the back of the property is equipped with lighting, so it can be used safely even at night.

Welcome drink

On the evening of the day we arrived, we were offered a welcome drink. You can also choose an alcoholic drink.

Picture of 4 drinks on the table and people surrounding them
Photo10: We enjoyed our welcome drink in front of the building where the front desk is located

It was very nice to have a cold drink outdoors, where it was still hot, while watching the sky and clouds changing various colors as the sun set and it gradually became darker.

Related Information

Basic Information

Map of Cottage Akabeko


  • Nature Cottage Akabeko
    • Site map
    • Floor plan (we stayed in a Standard 2DK type on the second page, but the room layout was reversed left-to-right)
    • Dog run (the page also shows what is provided for pets, what you need to provide yourself, and the fees for pets)
    • Rooms (also includes information on furnishings and items for rent)
    • Meals

Reference links

Change History

(August 29, 2023) Added photo of dog waiting in front of York-Benimaru.


  1. Once again, when I clicked on the green mark indicating this building on the site map, I noticed that it was properly marked “4 coin-operated laundry machines”.
  2. Both were nearly square in shape. A square would be 30 meters on each side.